《是日酒單》(影片)"Menú del día" (Video) by The Up:Strike Project
新視野藝術節 New VIsion Arts Festival 2021 《是日酒單》(影片)"Menú del día" (Video) by The Up:Strike Project 【#是日酒單】 甜、酸、苦、辣......調酒師李城飛用布蘭卡苦酒調配令人一試難忘嘅手工雞尾酒── 「叮、咚、嘀、嗒」同The Up:Strike Project嘅當代新音樂出奇合襯!立即重溫《是日酒單》精彩嘅敲擊樂表演,了解雞尾酒同樂曲嘅美味關係。 [#Menú_del_día] Mixologist Fei san handcrafted two cocktails featuring Fernet Branca - its rich and nuanced flavours go perfectly with contemporary music by The Up:Strike Project.
Ensamble de Percusión del Piazzolla + Matthew Lau