Strange and Sacred Noise (III) by John Luther Adams - The Up:Strike Project
"velocities crossing in phase-space" After Conlon Nancarrow and Peter Garland, for 8 tom-toms and 2 bass drums 《疾風》鼓聲連綿不斷,如疾風般快慢有序。 The Up:Strike Project presents the Hong Kong Premiere of Strange and Sacred Noise by John Luther Adams. The Up:Strike Project Artistic Directors: Dr. Matthew Lau & Karen Yu Performers: Vonald Chow, Bevis Ng, Eugene Kwong, Sunny Ho, Michael Yeung, Emily Cheung and Eyo Li Light Artist: Amy Chan Videographer: Kenneth Leung This performance is supported by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.
Gone, dog. Gone! by Mark Applebaum // Performed by Fisher/Lau Project